An interactive sound installation at the Musiktheater Linz opera house. A long corridor at the top floor of the Klangfoyer at the Musiktheater Linz features a wall comprised of several wooden panels.… Continued
An interactive sound installation at the Musiktheater Linz opera house. A long corridor at the top floor of the Klangfoyer at the Musiktheater Linz features a wall comprised of several wooden panels.… Continued
A Tangible Musical Sequencer Using Overlays The Tquencer is a tangible musical sequencer device, developed by Martin Kaltenbrunner and Jens Vetter. It introduces several physical design elements that allow the development of… Continued
PhD Thesis Enrique Tomás “The Interface Score” supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Kaltenbrunner and Prof.Dr. Gerhard Eckel This artistic thesis investigates the artistic and philosophical consequences of understanding musical instruments as artifacts… Continued
Sculpting Sonic Expression into Musical Artifacts Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste (PEEK AR99-G24 October 2017 – March 2022). Description The aim of this… Continued
designing musical instruments for grey parrots Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (PEEK AR349-G24)Initiated by alien productions in collaboration with ARGE Papageienschutz. metamusic aims to develop interactive sound installations and electronic… Continued
The DodekaOTTO is a 20 channel sound sculpture based on the OTTOsonics project, which is comprised of a lightweight aluminum structure in the form of a dodecahedron. This open hardware platform has… Continued
Diffracting Material and Epistemic Dimensions of Immersive Sound Technologies In Western music, spatial movement of sound reaches back to the Renaissance and the Venetian polychoral style, in which spatially separated choirs (cori spezzati:… Continued
Project financed by the “Neustart Kultur” program – (Bundesministerium für Kunst und Kultur) in 2022. OTTOsonics Website in Alter Bauhof Description OTTOsonics is a collective project by sound-artists, developers, scholars and sound… Continued
The PhD project qintroNix transfers a historical teaching methodology into contemporary art practice; the methodology concerns studying the qin, Chinese seven-stringed instrument with a musical history spanning three millennia. In this tradition, musical… Continued
Physical Representation The research project “Tangible Signals” investigates the physical representation and haptic feedback control of computer sound data.The creation and manipulation of sounds is fascinating and challenging. The availability and ease… Continued