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Related Project

This work introduces and contextualizes the artistic performance project Homo Restis and in particular the modular interface system I developed specifically for it. The costume sound performance Homo Restis is a collaboration between me, Jens Vetter and the visual artist Sarah Leimcke and was developed over the period of my studies at Interface Culture at the University of Art and Design in Linz. It was performed at various festivals during this time. The interface system I developed for this project is based on the use of string-based distance sensors and combines real-time sound synthesis in portable sound boxes with a mobile, radio-controlled multi-channel audio system.

In order to contextualize the project Homo Restis, I discussed on the one hand pre-cursors and history of performance art and public space, and on the other hand the new developments of technologies and concepts, which can be used for musical expression in the production of new interfaces. The focus lies, among other things, on the concept of topology as a construct borrowed from geography, mathematics and philosophy, in order to describe the interaction modes of string-based traditional instruments as well as new interfaces in more detail. I also dealt with concepts like Heterotopia, Constructive Modularity or Self-Empowerment in relation to new musical interfaces.
The main part of the study focuses on the project Homo Restis and is divided into the description of previous artistic projects, a summary about the evolution of the project and the presentation of the technical development of the interface system, as well as details about our performance practice.