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Kristina Tica (*1995) is a Lecturer in Feminist Hacking Strategies for the MA Postdigital Lutherie at the Tangible Music Lab. She is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, with her most recent practice centred on the artistic and theoretical exploration of the aesthetics and ethics of machine learning applications in visual computational processes. Tracing the impact of emergent technologies in popular culture under critical theory and philosophy in media and arts, her work activity spans through various disciplines - from visual arts, to coding, writing, and music. 

Her works have been exhibited at festivals such as Ars Electronica, Speculum Artium, ESOF Trieste, The Wrong. She is the recipient of the art+science AI Lab Award (RS) 2020. Her work and research has been recently published in Leonardo Journal (Vol. 57),and in The Practice of Art and AI published by Hatje Cantz.