Guest Lecture: Alvaro Barbosa
- Keywords: Guest Lecture
From Networked Music to the Design of Musical Interactions
In this talk I will discuss research and development related Music and sound art mediated by Digital Technology from the perspective of my personal experience as a Researcher and Artistic practitioner since the late 90’s. The talk will include insights about experimental research and art work starting from the idea of having music and performing together over geographical distant locations, evolving to the establishment of the Academic Field of Networked Music and leading to advancements in semi algorithmically generated sound art presented in this talk behavioural driven interaction – a model of Artistic Discovery and Exploration applied in designing New Musical Instruments.
Born in Angola of Portuguese Nationality, Alvaro Barbosa is a Full-Professor of Communication and Media and a Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Research at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau, S.A.R.-China. Prior to this position, he served for 6 Years as Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries at USJ and 12 years as head of the Sound and Image Department at the School of Arts from the Portuguese Catholic University. As a Media Arts and Technology (MAT) Researcher and Practitioner, He has an extensive career creating artworks widely presented and performed Internationally. In 1995 He was awarded a Graduate Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering by the University of Aveiro in Portugal, in 1999 he got a Post-Graduate Degree in Digital Arts from the Portuguese Catholic University, in 2006 he got his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Digital Communication from the University Pompeu Fabra in Spain, and in 2011 he concluded a Post-Doc in Computer Music and Acoustics at Stanford University in the USA.