![Residency: EM KVLT [Meg Schedel, Sofy Yuditskaya, Jess Rowland]](https://tamlab.kunstuni-linz.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Screenshot-2023-11-29-at-11-45-17-480x433.png)
Residency: EM KVLT [Meg Schedel, Sofy Yuditskaya, Jess Rowland]
Related Project: DodekaOTTO
- Keywords: Residency
Tangible Music Lab
15.1.2023 to 25.1.2023
Formerly known as Bunker, EMKVLT consists of Sofya Yuditskaya, Margaret Schedel and Jess Rowland. They are a regular fixture on the New York City improvisation scene, with performances at H0L0, Harvestworks, Improvisation Summit, Putty’s Coronation, NYU, Stony Brook, and SummerCamp. Individually the musicians have internationally recognized careers; EMKVLTis the intersection of our interests and identities. EMKVLT functions as the core of our open ensemble, The International Witch Collective.