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Postdigital Opening @ Festival der Regionen

Postdigital Opening @ Festival der Regionen

Related Project: Sonic Topologies

Horni Dvoriste Station, Czech Republic

Students of the Postidigital Lutherie master program will premiere two site-specific musical instruments at the opening ceremony of Festival der Regionen.

Watch below a recording of both concerts!


Fatima El-Kosht, Omid Zolfaghari, Aldin Dapo

The sleepers is a site specific sculptural instrument based on a desconstructed railtrack. Several players are collaboratively interacting with the rail sleepers, which ranges from a subtle caressing, heavy body motions and percussive gestures in the style of a large scale marimba.


Michael Kramer, Ozan Tezvaran, Thomas Geissl

The pneumonium is an experimental pneumatic musical instrument, that uses air pressure for the acoustic synthesis of a percussive sound experience. An array of digitally controlled valves feeds several high-pressure sound generators, enabling the arangement of a pneumatic techno performance. This project has been technically supported by Festo and Kaeser.